Contact us at 8113 4164

Physiotherapy Treatment Services

We Can Help You!
Be Empowered
Geriatric Rehabilitation
Therapy specially tailored for older adults targeting falls prevention and functional training for living out the golden years.
Elderly Falls Prevention
Pre/Post-Surgical Rehab

Neurological Rehabilitation
Leveraging on the science of neuroplasticity for stroke and movement strategies for Parkinson’s. Rehabilitation improves mobility such as sit to stand, walking and even running!
Stroke Rehabilitation
Parkinson’s Rehabilitation
Guillain Barre Syndrome
Motor Neuron Disease

Specialised vestibular rehabilitation to manage symptoms of dizziness and imbalance from the inner ear. Management of concussive symptoms such as dizziness, headache, neck pain to enable the return of normal activities and sports.
Meniere’s Disease
Concussion Dizziness
Musculoskeletal Rehabilitation
Treatment for strains and sprains of muscle and joints. Rehabilitation reliefs pain, restores normal movement and strengthens the body.
Headaches, Neck and Back Pain
Disc Herniation and Sciatica
Spinal Stenosis
Frozen Shoulder
Tennis Elbow
Hip and Knee Pain
Planter Fasciitis

Post-Surgical Rehabilitation
Focus on expeditious recovery and successful post-operative outcomes. For operations such as, total knee replacement, total hip replacement, knee ligament reconstructive surgeries, post fracture care etc.