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Contact us at 8113 4164

1) What should I expect during a physiotherapy session?
During a physiotherapy session, you can expect your therapist to conduct a comprehensive assessment of your physical function and develop a treatment plan to address your specific needs. Treatment may include exercise, manual therapy, education, repositioning techniques, pain relieving modalities and personalised exercise program to help you reach your goals.
2) What are the fees and charges?
Potong Pasir
Standard Consultation and Treatment $195* (up to 45mins) [*Inclusive of $20 rebate! before 5pm on weekdays]
Standard Consultation and Treatment $125
Home Therapy
$220-260 (please contact us with your postal code for an accurate quotation)
15mins consultation and treatment $36
Every 5 mins extension - $10
Credit/ Debit Card information will be required prior to the start of the video call
3) How long will my physiotherapy treatment take?
If it is your first time with us, allocate 45mins - 1 hr for the therapy session.
4) How do I prepare for my first physiotherapy session?
For your first physiotherapy session, do bring along any relevant medical records or investigation results (X-ray images, MRI etc). You may wear clothing that you are comfortable to move around in. Do arrive 5-10mins earlier for registration. You may also pre-register through the link provided in your confirmation email.
5) How do I prepare for my bike fitting session?
You may wear your riding sports attire and also shoes that you usually use for riding such as cleated or sports shoes. Do bring along any additional accessories that you may have such as stems, handlebars or saddle that you intend to fit to.
6) Will my insurance cover physiotherapy?
Many insurance plans cover physiotherapy, although the extent of coverage may vary. Check with your insurance provider for more information. We will provide you with an invoice and relevant documentation for you to make reimbursement claims. We also work with major international insurance and medical assistance organisations to establish direct billing (cashless) arrangement for the benefits of our patients. Do bring along your insurance card and speak to our friendly receptionist before your session.
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